The 2nd Redox Medicine Workshop will include Lectures by expert speakers in the field of basic and clinical Redox Biology. Besides two special lectures delivered by Professor Helmut Sies and Professor Andreas Daiber, each topic session will include one lecture focused on basic research and one on applied or clinical research. With this approach, we aim to bridge the gap between fundamental and applied science and foster an environment for discussion between early career and established scientists.
Confirmed Speakers (alphabetical order):
- Amrita Ahluwalia Queen Mary University of London
- Agnieszka Bartoszek Gdansk University of Technology
- Carlsten Carlberg University of Eastern Finland
- Andreas Daiber University Medical Center Mainz
- Maija Dambrova Riga Stradins University
- Irundika Dias Aston University
- Ana Faria NOVA University Lisbon
- Tilman Grune University of Potsdam
- Aleksandra Jankovic University of Belgrade
- João Laranjinha University of Coimbra
- Gabriella Leonarduzzi University of Turin
- Giovanni Mann King´s College London
- Antonio Martinez-Ruiz Computalense University of Madrid
- Juan Sastre University of Valencia
- Helmut Sies Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf
- Carlo Viscomi University of Padova
- Applications Opening
1 March 2025 - Youth Travel Fund Grants
1 July 2025 - Registration/Abstract Deadline
20 July, 2025 - Closing times: 23:59 (UTC+01:00)