Programme at a Glance
Time | May 22 Monday |
May 23 Tuesday |
May 24 Wednesday |
May 25 Thursday |
7 | Breakfast | |||
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9:00 Cardiovascular System Chair: Giovanni Mann Giovanni Mann (UK) Nrf2-regulated redox signaling in vascular function Dorthe Katschinski (DE) Redox Signaling pathways in cardiovascular pathophysiology: hypoxia, HIF and novel therapeutic avenues |
9:00 Cell Reprogramming Via Redox Signaling Chair: Enrique Cadenas Bato Korac (RS) Redox pathways in metabolic reprogramming Ana-Liisa Levonen (FL) Nrf2 pathways activated by oxidative and electrophilic stress in association with cancer |
9:45 Redox Biology in Aging and Disease Chair: Jose Viña Consuelo Borras (ES) Gender, genes and exossomes: redox regulation of aging Marzia Perluigi (IT) Redox Imbalance and Metabolic Defects in the Context of Brain Diseases |
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Selected Oral Presentations - Session 1 10:00
Aleksandra Kopacz NRF2/KEAP1 axis modulates endothelial cell phenotype and impacts abdominal aortic aneurysm formation 10:15
Luisa Maia NO signalling: the molybdoenzymes role
Fan Yang Crosstalk between Nrf2 Signalling and Zinc in Human Coronary Artery Cells under Hyperoxia, Physiological Normoxia and Hypoxia |
Selected Oral Presentations - Session 3 10:00 Alicja Sznarkowska Identification of the N-terminally truncated Nrf2 isoform with different regulation and indications of novel functions of Nrf2
Mariana S. Diniz Offspring’s cardiac nitric oxide signaling is influenced by maternal physical exercise during an obesogenic pregnancy
10:30 Simona Lanzillotta
Impact of sex and high-fat diet on brain energy metabolism dysfunctions associated with the development of Alzheimer’s Disease neuropathology |
10:45 - Coffee Break | ||||
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11:15 The Nitrate - Nitrite - *NO Pathway Chair: Bárbara Rocha João Laranjinha (PT) Cognitive enhancement through an innovative dietary nitrate-driven nitric oxide redox cycle Jon Lundberg (SE) The Nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway in physiology and therapeutics |
11:15 Bioanalytical Tools Chair: Ana Ledo Corinne Spickett (UK) The role of lipoxidation on protein and cell function - the power of mass spectrometry Vsevolod Belousov (RU) Genetically encoded sensors/chemosensors for live-cell imaging of redox signaling |
11:15 Gut Feelings Chair: Harry van Goor Harry van Goor (NL) Oxidative Stress and Redox-Modulating therapeutics in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Sandra Morais Cardoso (PT) Evidence of Host–Microbiome Interactions triggering “Gut-first” Parkinson’s disease |
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Selected Oral Presentations - Session 2
Alberto Vázquez-Jiménez Analysis of a neuroprotective candidate compounds against Parkinson´s disease using the SH-SY5Y cell model 12:30 Francesca Prestia
Deciphering the interplay between the unfolded protein response and metabolic defects in Down syndrome neuropathology 12:45 João Gonçalves Impaired nitric-oxide-dependent neurovascular coupling and spatial memory in type 2 diabetes are rescued by dietary nitrate
Selected Oral Presentations - Session 4
Julia Vorhauser Cell cycle control by Reactive Oxygen Species: Defining Redox Switches within the Cell Cycle Machinery 12:30 Susana Delgado-Martin
Oxidative damage in reperfusion after stroke: ferroptosis and the role of the mitochondrial sodium/calcium exchanger NCLX 12:45 Sandra I. Anjo
Intra- and extracellular proteome changes upon oxidative stress: focus on thiol-proteome |
Selected Oral Presentations - Session 5 12:15 Sandra Martínez-Peralta ROS-induced Sp1 upregulation promotes WRAP53 accumulation leading to neuroprotection after ischemia
12:30 Alexander Montoya
Identification and quantification of tocomonoenols in food sources and evaluation of their potential as vitamin E congeners 12:45 Ricardo Dias Food phenolics, immunity and inflammation: paving the way towards novel functional interventions in Celiac Disease
13 | 13 - 15 Lunch |
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15 | Registration | 15:00 Career Skills Ana Salgado (PT) Not-so-Soft-Skills |
15:00 Women in Science Lecture Chair: Dorthe Katschinski Cristina Polidori (DE) Oxidative stress in the aging brain: focus on bioenergetics and mitochondrial (dys)function |
15:00 Flash Presentations From Selected Posters 6 x (6 + 4min) |
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16:00 Career Skills Anthony Newman Senior Publisher with Elsevier How to Write a Great Research Paper, and Get it Accepted by a Good Journal |
16:00 Closing Lecture Chair: Enrique Cadenas Jose Viña (ES) Centenarians: Redox Biology of Aging |
16:15 Round Table Free Radicals in the Lab: Identification and Quantification |
17 | 17:00 Welcome Address |
17:00 Happy Hour and Guided Poster Tour |
17:00 - Coffee Break Anouncement of Flash Presentation Winners |
17:00 Closing and Concluding Remarks Group Photo |
17:15 IUBMC Special Lecture Chair: João Laranjinha Enrique Cadenas (USA) Mitochondrial Redox Signaling in Health and Disease |
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18:15 Get Together Party |
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19:30 Workshop Dinner Local Winery (Bairrada) |
20 | 20:00 - Dinner |